Lighting: natural light preferred ☀
Sound: good sound quality without background noise 🔊
Length: 60 to 120 seconds long 📹
Please follow the steps below:
Avoid saying that you are doing a review. Go straight into the problem you had prior to taking our supplement and how it has helped you solve it. You can mention your age here and how long you’ve been trying to solve the particular problem.
Other solutions you have tried without mentioning brand names.
Additional benefits you’ve seen with our product apart from the main problem that it has helped you solve.
Introduce the product:
open the bottle and pour two capsules into your palm/ take a capsule with a glass of water/ open up one capsule into a mug of tea/coffee/ put bottle on a kitchen counter/shelf (pick either of these; no talking is needed here)
Talk about what’s important to you e.g. natural ingredients, UK made, ICO certified, quality etc
Before and after (what results you have seen so far and how long you’ve been taking this supplement)
Buying experience (ease of ordering, delivery, customer service if contacted etc). Invite people to go ‘check it out’. Avoid telling people to ‘buy it’
Your Reward 🎁
To thank you for your feedback you will receive a £60 Pretty Smart Food gift card.